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Justin Durand

Bill Hanscom

Ned Dunn

Peter Mack

Jessica Faust

Amber Lavalley

Matt Durand

Carrie Bergman

John Gambino

Megan Herwig

Nick Criscuolo

Count Drumpse

  Violent Deaths
burned at the stake
torn apart by dogs
run to hell by wolves
ravaged by a wildebeest
beaten with thorny brambles
stuck in a hole full of spikes
disembloweled by many strong men
stuck with a chute
trampled by a mob
strangled with a piano wire
bull into your gut
drown in a shallow puddle
frozen in time at the bottom of an icy pit
throat slit ear-to-ear
nailed to a board
clubbed in the throat
beaten and robbed by strangers
beaten to death by your family
skinned alive
buried alive
pressed by heavy weights
sawed into pieces
sewn back together
a bloody mess
in a pile, in a heap